We offer IN-PERSON Home-based and Community-based services!
Toronto Markham ABA Therapy, Training, and Social Skills for Kids with Autism
ABA Therapy for Children with Developmental Delays
Book a complimentary consultation today!
Serving Families in Homes and Communities
in Toronto, Markham, and Surrounding Areas
Our services follow OAP guidelines and qualify for OAP funding!
Learn more about the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) here.
ABA Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for children with autism using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles.

Its naturalistic approach demonstrates remediation of the core symptoms of developmental delays and helps children develop the required skills to function independently in their natural environments. ABA Therapy targets many socially significant goals including reduction of aggressive and/or self-injuring behaviour; improvement of language skills, social behaviour, and toileting for our learners who require foundational skills; many intermediate to advance goals such as conversation skills, academic supports, group/classroom instructions, social skills, independence, life skills, academic support and other individualized targets. Progress is tracked through many data-driven measurement tools.
Program Options
Part-time: 6 to 15 hours per week
Full-time: 20 to 25 hours per week
Hours Per Session:
Morning: Minimum of 3 hours
Afternoon: ​Minimum of 3 hours
Afterschool: Minimum of 2 hours
Program Locations:
Home-based: In the child's or caregiver's home
Community-based: In schools, daycare, nursery schools and various community settings​
Teletherapy: Online via Zoom or Google Meet
(Program options, Hours per session, Location, and Gradual start of the program will be based on the needs of the child and upon clinical recommendation.)
​​Services Included:
Direct 1-to-1 therapy
Formal Assessment
Individualized Programming
Parent Training
Consultation with Professionals
Travel to the family
BCBA Supervision
Start Dates:
Dependent on the availability of therapists who can travel to the home or community location.
A 6-month commitment is required for the ABA therapy program to ensure clinical effectiveness. Learning is a gradual process.

Access OAP and
One-time funding accepted.
This program is for early learners who require foundational skills as well as our intermediate to advanced learners.
What does my child learn?
Visual Skills
Play and Leisure skills
Dressing skills
Grooming skills
Toileting skills
Group instruction
Classroom routines
Social Interaction
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Behavior Management
Conversation skills
Academic support
Group and classroom instructions
Social skills
Life skills
School or daycare support