We offer IN-PERSON Home-based and Community-based services!
Toronto Markham ABA Therapy, Training, and Social Skills for Kids with Autism
ABA Therapy for Children with Developmental Delays
Book a complimentary consultation today!
Serving Families in Homes and Communities
in Toronto, Markham, and Surrounding Areas
Our services follow OAP guidelines and qualify for OAP funding!
Learn more about the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) here.
At ABA Academy, we provide consultative services with professionals and parents.
ABA Academy has offered consultative services within our programs for a number of years. Parents and caregivers have been requesting for additional consultative services without committing to a program or pouring thousands of dollars into them.
For those who want a professional opinion on how their child is progressing at school, daycare, and daily life in general or alternatively would like to gain more behavioral strategies about their child's behaviors, we have added this additional service to our programs.
The types of consultative services we offer are:
Observations at school, daycare, home, or in any natural environment.
Strategies on specific skills or problem behaviors.
Professional opinion on their children in their natural environments.
Package Options:
1 session
5 sessions
10 sessions
Program Locations:
We offer consultative services across the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding areas.
Home-based: in the child's or caregiver's home
Community-based: in school, daycare, nursery school, or other community setting​
Online: Via Zoom or Google Meet
(Package and location will be based on
the needs of the family)​

For more information about our consultation services